Archaeological Services
“The process to carry out the investigation as part of my planning condition was made all that bit easier working with Fred at Brook Archaeology. He was very professional and flexible to meet my builder’s timelines without causing delay. The report was thorough and was provided to me within days of the investigation. Would highly recommend Brook Archaeology if you are in need of this service.”
Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI)
A document produced to outline the approach to mitigating an archaeological condition. The WSI needs to be compliant with the guidelines of CIfA and the Local Authority and is produced with the co-operation of the County Archaeological Officer. Our consultants will produce a WSI for implementation in-house or for a third party contractor.

Desk-Based Assessment (DBA)
Desk-Based Assessments (DBA) review the area the development is taking place in order to assess the archaeological potental. DBAs can be produced in advance of a planning application to satisfy the Local Planning Authorities’ pre-panning requirements or to inform prospective developers of the archaeological potential. During the planning process the DBA provides important information to the County Archaeological Officers to inform them early in the planning process which conditions may be required.

Watching Briefs
Monitoring development in an area of archaeological potential we will look out for archaeological remains which are then observed, identified and preserved by record before development continues. While groundworks are underway, watching briefs are carried out with a flexible approach to keep your project moving and save you time and money.

On large developments Local Planning Authorities sometimes require full excavation of the development site to ensure any significant archaeology impacted by a proposed development is recorded and preserved where necessary. Usually identified through archaeological evaluation or geophysical survey, the archaeological potential can vary . The excavation will involve a strip, map and sample (SMS) used for large areas to capture a general archaeological plan. Full excavation is sometimes required on significant assets; Brook can advise on measures which can manage these requirements.

Archaeological Evaluation
A “programme of archaeological works” will often require an initial evaluation of the development site by survey or by evaluation trenching; Brook Archaeology can undertake targeted evaluations to investigate your site thoroughly and economically. Plans for archaeological trenches will take into account the areas of intervention to ensure a cost-effective solution.