Archaeological Services
At Brook Archaeology, we appreciate your challenges in the construction sector as a business or private developer.
Archaeological conditions and mitigation are complex issues that require expert knowledge and professional support.
Brook Archaeology Services works with clients to achieve bespoke solutions to these complexities. Our expert knowledge and reliable staff provide a dependable and managed service to help achieve your development aims.

Archaeological Planning Conditions
You may have seen the following condition on your planning application
“Prior to commencement of development, the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, will secure the implementation of a watching brief to be undertaken by an archaeologist approved by the Local Planning Authority”
Brook Archaeology are here to provide the complete service to get you through your development or home improvement project successfully. We offer the full range of archaeological works including evaluations, watching briefs and full excavations: our enthusiastic and well-trained staff will help you complete your condition.

Archaeological Consultancy
Our consultancy service guides and supports our clients from development site acquisition through pre-application requirements to final completion of the development project; we will explain the planning process and required archaeological conditions and provide a workable and affordable plan by writing a Written Scheme of Investigation suitable for the project. specifications.

Surveys are conducted for a multitude of reasons whether assessing archaeological potential for planning purposes, topographical analysis, bulk analysis, progress reports or historical recording. Brook Archaeology offers geophysical prospection, GNSS planning, building surveys, heritage statements, 3d images and drone surveys for archaeological or other purposes.

Desk-based Assessment (DBA)
Desk-based assessments (DBA) review the area the development is taking place in order to assess the archaeological potental. DBAs can be produced in advance of a planning application to satisfy the Local Planning Authorities’ pre-panning requirements or to inform prospective developers of the archaeological potential. During the planning process the DBA provides important information to the County Archaeological Officers to inform them early in the planning process which conditions may be required.